#2 Our Mission Statement

#2 Our Mission Statement

Free Fall Comics is a company that promises to be different, in a world full of super heroes and retold stories. We want to bring something new to the industry and to do so we will not have any copy and pasted retelling of stories that have been done in the past. Telling unique stories is our dream, and why we chose this industry as a way of telling such stories. We’ve studied what is already in the market, and we believe this has given us a good understanding of what people want to see and read.

Free Fall Comics is not only a comic book company but also a culture, a family and to do this right we believe that it is important to stand by a code of ethics that you as fans can hold us accountable for.

So this is our mission statement, our promise to you and we will do everything we can to stick by it and hope in return you can join us and enjoy what we bring to the world moving forward.




Free Fall Comics is not here to take your money, the money is not why we are doing this and if it was, well it has not worked out as a money maker so far. Instead we are here to make you fans of the company and create a community that loves what we are doing. The success of this company will be largely based on our audience…you guys. This is why we must honour our fans (readers) and make sure to always put you first no matter what.

We would not be where we are now without you and the only way to grow within the industry is to always go out of our way to keep you happy.



We are not perfect in any way, we have and will make mistakes moving forward. Things will happen that may be out of our control and it will be up to us as owners of the company to do our best to fix the situation. This is why we choose to be up front, honest and transparent. We will always update you on problems within the company and the timeline to when they will be fixed.

Not only that, but we actually want to show you all what it takes to do what we do. We believe that if we are honest with you it makes you a part of the process and maybe even motivates you to chase your own dreams in life. We will not hide costs of the books (only costs of artists we hire) we will be fair and respect your questions. We only ask that you respect us in return, we want this to be a fun loving community, we want everyone to be happy and just enjoy great stories and the business of comics.



As creators it is our goal to produce content that you find of value and can remain invested in. It’s impossible to please everybody, but we hope there’s a character that you want to get to know or even relate to and worlds you want to come back to explore. We prefer quality over quantity which is why we will always find the best artists for the projects we create, we will not cut costs to make it cheaper or cut corners to do things faster.

We know the wait between our books may be longer than you would want but we can promise that every time a new book from us drops your jaw will drop at the same time. To prove this, our investment so far is around $40,000..money that came out of our own pockets, something we would not have done if we did not believe in the company. What is already available from us just goes to show the standard of work we wish to produce.

Every story will be something different, in its own way and as lovers of reading ourselves we would only want to read the best products available which is why we will only ever produce the best products possible.



Comics are all about entertainment, although right now we produce some dark content..sometimes content, it does not change the fact that we are humans, we are creators and love what we do. We find creating worlds and characters so much fun, it is our life's purpose and we want to make you a part of the process and bring you along for the crazy ride.



In closing, Free Fall Comics is driven by four fundamental principles that guide everything we do. Your support and enthusiasm means the world to us. Our success is intrinsically tied to your satisfaction, so you can always count on us to put you first.  We thank you for joining the Free Fall Comics community, and until next time, may your comic book adventures be nothing short of epic.

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